Home & School
The OAKS Home & School Association is a vital part of our school program.
Home & School Team
Any parent is invited to join our Home & School team and actively participate in facilitating school events. Most parents are unable to volunteer for every event because of their schedule, but we would love it if you would consider giving whatever time or resources you have available to support our school program.
All volunteers must complete our Volunteer Packet which includes a background check prior to working with our student body. For more information, please contact the OAKS Office or our Home & School leader, Patricia Geraghty at homeandschool@oaksonline.net.
Home & School Events
Water Day
Our first event of the year is Water Day, a back-to-school celebration that is wet and wild with lots of fun for all! We also feed the entire lunch at Water Day, free of charge.
Christmas Program
Each year, we have two Christmas programs. The first is a K-5 dramatized production and the second is a grades 6-8 musical performance.
Grandparent’s Day
In March, we host Grandparent’s Day, a celebration of our grandparents! Grandparents from across the country take tours of our school, see their classroom and art projects, and list to a school-wide music concert.
Our annual Walkathon is used to raise money to support the development of the facilities and programs at OAKS.
Volunteer Appreciation
To thank our volunteers, we host our annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet in April. At this time, we also do a drawing for a free registration fee (value – $400) based on the volunteer hours given by each family.
Field Day
Our final event of the year is Field Day, a celebration of our year and an opportunity for students to showcase their skills in track and field events. From running events to throwing events, this day has it all!