Mission & Vision


Our vision is to:

  • Lead learners to know God and His Word.
  • Foster servant leadership.
  • Provide a caring learning atmosphere
  • Engage students through dynamic instruction that meets the needs of students with various learning styles.
  • Infuse technology into curriculum where appropriate.
  • Equip students with skills that help them succeed outside the classroom


OAKS is a Christian organization that seeks to inspire its students to think deeply, live fully, serve unselfishly, and love God completely.


OAKS recognizes that God is the Creator and Sustainer and the Source of knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge of this personal God is derived from divine revelation as found in the Bible, nature, and human reason.

The ultimate aim of the student is to be restored in the image of God.  The student will, through an experiential relationship with Christ, accept service as a principle of life and will serve home, church, and community.