How to Donate

wallet with people removing money

Your gift to OAKS makes a difference to every student and teacher in our school community. 

Gifts bridge the gap between tuition and the actual cost of an OAKS education, allowing us to offer the highest quality program, at tuition levels that are affordable to more families and students. It takes the whole school community to bridge this gap. 

OAKS has received donations that have provided new playground equipment, hot lunch kitchen supplies, athletics and PE equipment, musical instruments, and more. OAKS would not exist without the prayers, hard work, and dedication of our local church community.

Your participation is key. Each gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. This is why we ask you to participate and make a gift to OAKS.

You may donate online or via cash or check at the school office or by sending a check to the school’s official mailing address. Click the button below, to learn more about how you can support OAKS.